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Orion values

Values are the foundation for Orion’s operations and guide its future strategic choices.  ​​​Our values indicate what Orion is like and what our common goals are.

​​​​​​​Our values convey a warm, people-oriented message. Safety and responsibility are important focuses in terms of values. 

We create added value for the company, seek top performance and develop our operations and future solutions in cooperation with our customers – to improve the quality of life.

We Orionees…

Appreciate each other

We succeed, face challenges and learn together. We build all collaboration on mutual trust, appreciation and diversity.

Strive for excellence

We aim at high performance in everything we do. We embrace safety and quality. We actively develop our operations and work in a sustainable way.

Build the future

We create solutions for the future together with our customers. We fight diseases by innovative treatments to improve quality of life.