Orion Corporation
P.O.Box 303
FI-02101 Espoo
Fermion Oy
P.O.Box 92
FI-02101 Espoo
Invoices to Orion Corporation and Fermion are advised to be sent as e-invoices. Our e-invoice operator is Basware with Service ID BAWCFI22.
E-invoice addresses:
Orion Oyj: 003719992126
Fermion Oy: 003718552129
If sending e-invoices is not possible, you can also send invoices in pdf format by e-mail.
E-mail addresses for invoices are:
Orion Corporation's VAT numbers in different countries:
Orion Oyj FI19992126
Fermion Oy FI18552129
Belgium BE0884166975
Czech Republic CZ683351563
Denmark DK25179838
Estonia EE101028745
Germany DE813567693
Hungary HU26953568
Ireland IE9982855T
Italy IT00124669995
Lithuania LT100005444310
Norway 981183770MVA
Poland PL5262795782
Portugal PT980386055
Slovenia SI82953325
Spain ESN0321689B (applied only to EC acquisitions,
no common VAT liability in Spain)
Sweden SE502063996801
Switzerland CHE-112.583.980
United Kingdom GB804904833