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Insider administration

The insider administration of the Orion Group is arranged in accordance with the Insider Guideline of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd (Nasdaq Helsinki).

The Group’s own Insider Guidelines (Orion Insider Guidelines) are based on the applicable EU regulation, especially the Market Abuse Regulation (EU 596/2014, MAR as amended) and any regulation and guidance given by the European Securities Markets Authority (ESMA) or otherwise under MAR, and Finnish legislation, especially the Securities Markets Act (746/2012, as amended) and the Penal Code (39/1889, as amended), as well as the insider and other guidelines of Nasdaq Helsinki and the guidance by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA). In the event there is any discrepancy between the Orion Insider Guidelines and the applicable laws and regulations, such laws and regulations shall prevail.

According to the Orion Insider Guidelines, the managers and their closely associated persons are required to notify the company and the FIN-FSA of every transaction they have conducted on their own account relating to such financial instruments of the company as are defined in the MAR. Orion shall disclose such information in stock exchange releases. The company has defined  that the members of the Board of Directors of Orion Corporation and the members of the Executive Team of the Orion Group are managers meant by the MAR. 

Further information and instructions for notifying transactions are available here.